
PET Sheet Europe is glad to welcome Point Plastic S.r.l. as a new member as of April 2021.
Point Plastic is a company engaged in the PET field, particularly focused on the development of innovative solutions for the PET industry, covering the entire chain from PET melt poly-condensation to PET recycling.
Point Plastic was founded in 2006 as a consulting company pursuing the mission of providing the market with the necessary knowledge in the sector of Polyester; it subsequently evolved its know-how to support the PET processing market and it is currently regarded as a leading technology company worldwide in the polyester business scenario.

New PET Sheet Europe board elected in March 2021
PET Sheet Europe is glad to announce the election of a new board, which will lead the activities of the group for the next two years.
The newly elected board is now composed by:
Luigi Gravaglia, Quality Assurance - R&D Manager at Ilpa Group, President
Paolo Glerean, Head of Sales and Marketing at Aliplast, Vice-President
Francesco Polano, Sales Manager at AFG Packaging, Treasurer
Krzysztof Garman, R&D Director at ERGIS, Board Member
Samuel Pardo, Senior Innovation Manager at Klöckner Pentaplast, Board Member
Under the leadership of the newly elected board, PET Sheet Europe will further implement its activity plan, closely following scientific, technical, economic, regulatory and institutional matters in the field of the PET films and sheets market.
Live webinar: Circular Economy Action Plan: Guideline for European Plastics Converters
May 13, 2020
Polymer Comply Europe (PCE) is pleased to announce its next Live Webinar on the new Circular Economy Action Plan, organised on behalf of European Plastics Converters (EuPC) and PET Sheet Europe.
The live webinar will take place on the 10th of June 2020 between 11.00 - 12.15 CET and will introduce the Circular Economy Action Plan (part of the European Green Deal) highlighting the upcoming challenges for the plastics industry.
The discussion will gather experts from the European Commission - DG Environment.
Webinar agenda:
• Welcome & Introduction - Silvia Freni-Sterrantino, Senior Legal & Regulatory Affairs Manager: EuPC
• About the new Circular Economy Action Plan - Michał Kubicki, Policy Officer: European Commission
• What the Action Plan foresees for plastics - Werner Bosmans, Policy Officer: European Commission
• Questions & Answers *
• Closing
Who should attend:
• Representatives from the plastics value chain
• Regulatory affairs managers
• Government regulators
• Consultants
• Trade associations
• Service providers
• NGOs
• Academics

Happy Holidays from PET Sheet Europe!
December 18, 2019

PET value chain urges European Policymakers to support its circularity
October 07, 2018
PET Sheet Europe made a commitment to the European Commission - by 2025 the average recycled content of its products will be raised to 70 %. Therefore, we urge the European policymakers to enforce separate collection and recycling of PET trays followed by specific targets instead of consumption reduction - a measurement that would sabotage PET trays' circularity.